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A New Church Impacting Lives in Zambia BIBLE LEAGUE Faneli urges the Bible League

Faneli, pictured above, center

Watering Seeds

Faneli desired to open a church, seeing how traditional beliefs hindered locals from knowing God. However, she didn’t know how to plant a church or where to start. She discovered Bible League’s Church Planter Training from a local pastor. She yearned to learn how to approach people, their cultures, and traditions. “The lessons helped me plant a church and are still helping me today.” She became the first church planter in her village since Zambia’s independence in 1964.

She also started praying with neighbors at her house. Faneli began her church with five members. Currently, she has 30. The numbers started growing in 2022, and her husband, a pastor too, began building a permanent structure to accommodate the growing congregation. They now hold prayer meetings from there.

Faneli urges the Bible League

Equally, God’s Word has impacted Faneli’s spiritual walk. Paul’s words in Romans 8:28 tremendously encourage Faneli. She knows that since she loves God, even if she encounters difficult situations, He will help her overcome them.

“We know that in everything, God works for the good of those who love him. These are the people God chose because that was his plan.” Romans 8:28 ERV

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Resourcing Communities

Bible League has equipped Faneli with the skills to plant and lead a church, which she says has helped many people come out of darkness and get to know God. Learning about church planting has taught Faneli the unique features of church members and how to relate to them.

She has also learned to interpret God’s Word for her congregation. Bible League has easy-to-understand Bibles and Bible studies, enabling a congregation grappling with illiteracy levels to understand God’s Word. Bible League’s booklets have helped Faneli grow the church as she uses them for evangelism. More people in her community also look forward to Bible League’s next Church Planter Training.

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“Thanks to Bible League for the Reaching Towards the Goal booklets and Bibles you provided us. These materials are helping us in evangelism, and we are winning souls every day,” she says.

With your support, you’re reaching souls daily through evangelism and providing biblical materials.

Faneli urges Bible League to continue providing training to enhance God’s kingdom: “Continue with the excellent work and train more church planters worldwide. We also request more materials as the number of people willing to serve the Lord keeps increasing.”

Bible League has equipped Faneli with the skills to plant and lead a church