Johanne, a Haitian woman, lives with her husband in Santo Domingo Mine in the Dominican Republic. She works at home, evangelizes, and reads the Bible in her free time. Growing up in a pagan family, she struggled with practicing idolatry. “I did not know why, but an idolatrous lifestyle bothered me a lot,” she admits.
She heard the Gospel for the first time at a crusade and accepted Christ. She realized her need for Christ, but her family disapproved of serving God. She stood firm on Scripture found in Psalm 46:2, ‘So we are not afraid when the earth quakes and mountains fall into the sea.’
One day, Johanne dreamed she was dead and realized she wasn’t living with intentionality. She reckoned, “I cannot be dead without fulfilling the mission of serving God.” She decided to take the Gospel seriously and desired to evangelize but lacked the knowledge to implement it.
Pastor Badiona, a local pastor, contacted Bible League to conduct a Project Philip workshop to train his church members. Since then, Johanne has received Bible League training and materials. With great enthusiasm, she visited her neighbors’ homes, encouraging them to study God’s Word with her.
Johanne has seen a notable change in people’s lives as they’ve studied God’s Word. She prays for the Lord’s help to continue serving in the community until He returns.