Bible League in Middle East
Sharing God's Word across the region
Reaching with God's Word
Worldmap With Middle East Region Highlighted

Ministry in Middle East

Poverty and lack of access keep God’s Word far out of the reach of most
people in the Middle East, and illiteracy limits understanding. That is why Bible League provides Bibles and training to under-resourced churches in the region through our Project Philip and Bible-based Literacy programs. At this time, our ministry in the Middle East is focused on evangelism outreach; implementing and expanding discipleship efforts take time there. Small group settings are not common in that region, so most people there do not want to be part of a group where they do not know all the participants. Still, despite this challenge and others, unbelievers are coming to Christ, nominal Christians are becoming active church members, and Muslims are finding and embracing new life in Jesus the Messiah.

Middle East
Middle East street
Middle East buildings
Ministry in Middle East
Stories from the Field
Ministering in the Middle East
Conflict, suffering, and loss have defined the Middle
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1 July 2024
Private messages from God
Miriam learns about the Bible in literacy class
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Ministry Story
5 April 2024
Support Ministry in the Middle East

Evangelizing in the Middle East is not easy, but God’s Word continues to spread in the region. Your gift to the Middle East will provide Bibles, biblical materials, and training opportunities to empower believers to learn more and share the Gospel.

Your gift today will directly impact people in the Middle East. Your gift will change individuals, families, and communities.