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A Community Desperate for Faith

More than 50 years ago, a small community experienced a massive revival and moving of the Holy Spirit. Many of the people who experience this revival are gone, but the ones who remain like Garawat are eager to show the younger generation the power of Christ.

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Craving Faith | Watch Garawat's Story

Visiting Heaven on Earth

“Over the years, I’ve seen tangible signs here and there of the kingdom coming on the earth,” Dr. Catley recounts. “Radical life change; miracles of physical and emotional healing; a church where there is a deep and pervasive love for Jesus. Nothing, though, quite prepared me for my experience in Bario in the Malaysian jungle.”

Explore the Community of Bario

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A Principal's Purpose

“We need to ground our children with God’s Word,” Principal Robin emphasized. “That’s the only sure way to help them. They may have knowledge, they may have a lot of things they know or have, but without God in their life, they won’t go very far.”