Armenia CropArayik has a deep passion for helping the people of his community in Armenia. “Because I love my village, I’ve been praying to the Lord to help me serve my people with His Word,” he says. “People in my village need God’s Word, I can assure you. They don’t know anything about the Bible.”

He faces pushback from many adults in his area, but he’s found a new audience: children. “Some in my region are unbelievers with the habit of mocking Christianity,” he says. “They try to influence others not to adopt the biblical faith. Nevertheless, the children’s openness to the Gospel has made way for the ministry because their parents come to listen to the Word of God.”

Arayik began searching for Gospel-centered children’s materials. Other Christian leaders in the region pointed him to Bible League.

“In Armenia, we see many Christians who need to increase their knowledge about the Bible and the Christian faith. Believers can be in churches for years without knowing anything substantial,” he notes. “Bible League’s trainings are significant in providing that knowledge. The lessons are for any Christian leaders because they contain the fundamental Christian doctrines.”

Arayik is currently enrolled in Church Planter Training. “The knowledge and lessons provided by Bible League have equipped me and helped me go and serve the Lord effectively,” he says.

He’s also started Bible League’s Project Philip Bible studies for children in his area, and the Lord has already worked in many hearts. “The Project Philip lessons are suitable, clear, and understandable. As we reach out to the children and teenagers, we see how God is working in their lives,” he says. “These children bravely share the Gospel in their families, and as their parents see the way their lives have changed, they have come to Christ, too.”

Arayik’s goal is to plant as many new churches as possible and reach the next generation for the kingdom of God. But he can’t do it without you.

“With all my heart, I want to thank everyone who supports us to reach our people with the Gospel. We really need the ministry of Bible League here in Armenia,” he says. “We see firsthand how the Word of God changes many lives through the ministry. Thank you for this great work. May the Lord bless you richly!


Armenia Seconary Crop